
Houses and homes

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  • a house that is one of a row of houses that are joined together on each side
    terraced house
  • one of a pair of wooden or metal covers that can be closed over the outside of a window to keep out light or protect the windows from damage
  • an underground room often used for storing things, especially wine - if it is used as a room there is another word... give us either of them!
    cellar / basement
  • A house joined to another house by a wall on one side that is shared
    semi-detached house
  • Place at the top of the house - in the roof
  • Building which is old and in very bad condition
  • A house not joined to another house on either side
    detached house
  • a flat hard area outside, and usually behind, a house where people can sit
  • the area at the top of a set of stairs where you arrive before you go into an upstairs room or move onto another set of stairs
  • a piece of ground in a garden or park where flowers are grown
    flower bed
  • a small area at the entrance to a building, such as a house or a church, that is covered by a roof and often has walls