
Would you rather...?

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  • Would you rather be able to travel everywhere for free or eat everywhere for free?
  • Would you rather clog the toilet on a first date or first day at a new job?
  • Would you rather be able to fly or be able to turn invisible?
  • Would you rather speak to animals or speak 10 foreign languages?
  • Would you rather be stuck in a phone box with ten snakes or ten tarantulas?
  • Would you rather be three feet tall or eight feet tall?
  • Would you rather lose all your money and valuables or lose all the pictures you have ever taken?
  • Would you rather it be summer forever or winter forever?
  • Would you rather be famous or rich?
  • Would you rather have your name tattooed on your forehead or have no front teeth?
  • Would you rather live in a world where you dance instead of walk or sing instead of talk?
  • Would you rather have no sense of smell or no sense of taste?
  • Would you rather the ability to change the past or see into the future?
  • Would you rather find the love of your life or find a million dollars?
  • Would you rather empty a swimming pool using just a fork or get in a swimming pool for half an hour with a jellyfish?