
If You're Happy and You Know It

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  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Close your eyes
    Touch your toes
    Jump up and down
    Clap your hands
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Make a happy face
    Make a sleepy face
    Make an angry face
    Make a sad face
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Swing your arms
    Touch your toes
    Crawl on your knees
    Clap your hands
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Jump up and down
    Swing your arms
    Clap your hands
    Pat your head
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Crawl on your knees
    Swing your arms
    Stomp your feet
    Clap your hands
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Stomp your feet
    Put your hands up
    Clap your hands
    Swing your arms
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Act like a cat
    Act like a monkey
    Act like a dog
    Act like a pig
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Shout hooray
    Shout monkey
    Shout hello
    Shout pizza
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Turn around
    Clap your hands
    Jump up and down
    Brush your teeth
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Shout Merry Christmas
    Shout hello
    Shout goodbye
    Shout good morning
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Give a thumps up
    Give a thumps down
    Say hello
    Clap your hands
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Crawl on your knees
    Jump up and down
    Turn around
    Clap your hands
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Swing your arms
    Jump up and down
    Stomp your feet
    Clap your hands
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Count to 3
    Count to 10
    Count to 5
    Count to 1
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Stomp your feet
    Crawl on your knees
    Touch your toes
    Jump up and down
  • If you're happy and you know it.....
    Crawl on your knees
    Clap your hands
    Jump up and down
    Swing your arms