
Dino on the Go 7-unit3

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  • 2. Where do they want to go in Brazil?
    They want to go to the sport camp
  • 10. What time will the sport camp be over?
    13:40 (1:40)
  • 6. The coach said : "Welcome to the sport camp". Dino said: "I can't wait!" Question: What does Dino mean?
    He likes going to the sport camp
  • 5. What does Ronaldo do in his free time?
    He plays football in his free time.
  • 4..Who is their new friend in Brazil?
  • 8. What day can they play baseball?
    On Tuesday.
  • 7. Is there only one sport in sport camp?
    No, there isn't.
  • 15. 請拼寫硬幣, 土穰, 黃豆, 吵鬧, 指向
    coin , coil, soy, noise, point
  • 12.Which sport is the most popular in Brazil?
  • 1. Where do Niki and Danny go in unit 3?
  • 11. Who shoots the ball at the end ( finally)?
  • 3. Who is their new friend in Brazil?
  • 9. What day can they play basketball?
    On Thursday!
  • 14. 請翻譯No pain, No gain
  • 13.What do people call "play football" in the USA?
    Play soccer
  • 3. How do they go to the sport camp?
    On foot