
Let's ...

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  • Let's......ball.
    Let's play ball.
  • Let's.....crabs.
    Let's find crabs.
  • Let' the sea.
    Let's swim in the sea.
  • Let's..... shells.
    Let's find shells.
  • Let's play....
    Let's play ball.
  • Let's go.......
    Let's go in a boat.
  • Let' a boat.
    Let's go in a boat.
  • Let's make.........
    Let's make a sandcastle.
  • Let's swim.......
    Let's swim in the sea.
  • Let's.....a sandcastle.
    Let's make a sandcastle.
  • Let's find.....
    Let's find shells.
  • Let's find.....
    Let's find crabs.