
B1 gese 5

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  • Whats the name of the person who leads the orchestra?
  • Name 4 types of film genre?
    thriller, comedy, horroe, westernaction science fiction
  • What is the past perfect of see?
  • seen/Have/the /you/film/ Wolf of Wall Street?
    Have you seen the film The Wolf of Wall Street?
  • What is the music from a film called?
    The soundtrack
  • How----music do you listen to? much /many
  • Who is the main person who sings in a band?
    A lead singer
  • Can you think of 3 negative adjectives to describe a film?
    Awful, terrible, boring,predictable.
  • How --------songs have you got on your playlist? much/many
  • favourite/What /type/is /music/your/of?
    What is your favourite type of music?
  • Can you name 4 different genres of music?
    rock, pop, jazz, hip hop, rap classical
  • What are the words of a song called?
    The lyrics
  • When was Titanic released? 1996, 1997, 1998
    Titanic was released in 1998