
FC Reading and Use Part 1 - game 4

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  • We are quite good at sharing our _______, like our computer or our toy cars when we were younger. ( possessions, objects, items, gadgets )
  • Nevertheless, we each have our own wall, so we can ______ it the way we want to. ( ornament, construct, decorate, furnish )
  • We all ______ the puppies for regular walks. ( take, go, have, give )
  • Our room is quite large, so we each have our own double bed and a bit of _____ to keep our things. ( place, area, space, territory )
  • They train puppies to ______ guide dogs for blind people. ( convert to, become, begin, turn into )
  • For example, my brother has all his sports medals hung up on his wall, ________ I have posters of cars on mine. ( though, instead, nevertheless, whereas )
  • It is very important for a guide dog to stay calm and focused and not to get _____ from its work. ( entertained, confused, distracted, disturbed )
  • I have always shared a bedroom with my older brother. Sharing a room with him has had both advantages and disadvantages, but ______ I would say I actually quite like it. ( mainly, overall, largely, then )
  • My parents also teach the puppies how to behave when they ______ people and other dogs. ( encounter, experience, visit, undergo )
  • Fortunately, we also get on fairly well, so we ___________ argue. ( usually, rarely, scarcely, extraordiarlily )
  • After one year, the puppies continue their ________ at a special school. ( schooling, training, coaching, exercising )
  • My mother and father _______ an unusual hobby, which involves the whole family. ( make, play, have, take )
  • My parents teach them how to _______ to different situations, such as crossing a busy road. ( reply, respond, answer, return )
  • Although we do occasionally have small _______ about whose turn it is to tidy up. ( argue, conversations, discussions, disagree )
  • Of course it's my parents‘ responsibility to ________ the puppies. ( respond, run, control, supervise )
  • I also have posters of my sporting ________ on my wall. ( team, people, heroes, likes )
  • If I was to move into my own room now, I would probably feel a bit lonely, at least at first, as I am so used to my brother’s __________. ( way, company, habit, existence )
  • My sister and I just keep _______ on them when they are out. ( a look, an eye, a view, a control )
    an eye