
Weather and natural disasters

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  • What can you see in the picture?
  • It is ................. and .................. in the Antarctica.
    cold, freezy, snowy
  • It is usually .............. and ................ in the autumn.
    rainy, cloudy, windy
  • It is ............. and ................ in the spring.
    cloudy, rainy, changeable, sometimes cold, sometimes hot
  • What can you see in the picture?
    an earthquake
  • It is often .............. and ................ in London.
    foggy and rainy
  • What can you see in the picture?
    a flood
  • It is usually ................. in the summer.
  • What can you see in the picture?
    a volcanic eruption
  • What can you see in the picture?
    a hurricane
  • What can you see in the picture?
    a tsunami
  • What can you see in the picture?
    a sand (dust) storm
  • What can you see in the picture?
    an avalanche
  • What can you see in the picture?
    a tornado
  • It is ............. and ............... in a jungle.
    hot and wet
  • What's the weather like?
    It's hailing.
  • What can you see in the picture?
    There's a rainbow.
  • There are often ....................... in the summer.
  • It is ........... and ........... in the Sahara desert.
    hot and dry