
English-File: Advanced, revision (units 1 and 2)

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  • He can be a bit bad-tempered, but he's got a ____ of gold.
    to have a heart of gold - have a generous nature
  • I told a wh____ l__ because I didn't want to upset him.
    a white lie - a lie about a small or unimportant matter that someone tells to avoid hurting another person
  • The manager is in charge of 400 staff / workfroce.
    staff - all the people employed by a particular organization
  • Alexa can always find a way of solving probelms - she's very re______
  • He resiged before they could quit / sack him.
    sack sb - wyrzucić kogoś z pracy
  • Job-searching / Job-hunting can be really demoralizing.
    job-haunting - szukanie pracy
  • He's a really nice guy - very d___ to e____.
    be down to earth - with no illusions or pretensions; practical and realistic
  • I woke up suddenly in the d____ of n____ - there was a noise downstairs.
    the dead of night - the quietest, darkest part of the night
  • I'm hoping to get promoted / a rise to a more senior post.
    get promoted - dostać awans
  • They suddenly got married on holiday in Las Vegas - they're ver sp_______
  • We tried to c____ the waiter's e__, but he just ignored us.
    catch someone's eye - attract someone's attention by making eye contact with them.
  • He was de_____ to be a musician, even as a boy.
    determined / destined
  • I followed the instructions to the l______, but I still couldn't get the wi-fi to work.
    follow instructions to the letter - you do exactly what you have been told to do, giving great attention to every detail
  • This printer is such a p____ in the n____; it never works.
    pain in the neck - someone or something that is very annoying
  • He sometimes co____ ac_____ as quite sarcastic, but he doesn't mean it.
    comes across
  • My brother wasn't very sy_______ when I failed my driving test - in fact, he just laughed.
  • H___ on e____ could you spend $2,000 on a watch?
    How on earth ... - an exclamation used to emphasize surprise, shock, anger, disgust
  • Factory work is often a bit monotonous / motivating.
    monotonous - monotonna
  • She's been off / out of work for three days with the flu.
    be off work - być na urlopie lub zwolnieniu
  • I don't earn much, but it's a very rewarding / high-powered job.
    rewarding - satysfakcjonujący
  • On the surface he seems tough, but de____ do____ he's quite sensitive.
    deep down
  • My grandmother has always had a quick _____ .
    have a quick temper - be easily angered
  • I won't get that job; I don't have the qualifications / benefits.
  • I've got a g___ f_____ that this meeting is going to go badly.
    gut feeling - an instinct or intuition; an immediate or basic feeling or reaction without a logical rationale
  • She's always open and honest - she's just really st________ to work with.
  • Jack's got his n____ to the gr______ revising for his exams.
    keep nose to the grindstone - to do hard, continuous work
  • She never asks for anyone's help. She's completely se____ -su______.
    self-sufficient - samowystarczalna
  • Let's not focus on the details. We need to see the b_____ p______.
    big/bigger picture - the most important facts about a situation and the effects of that situation on other things