
Build a Santa

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  • You are on a new team for basketball, how are you feeling?
    ... give your santa a body
  • Would you rather take deep breaths or do some jumping jacks to help you calm down?
    ... give your santa a beard!
  • It is the middle of the school day... how are you usually feeling?
    ... give your santa a boot!
  • You are feeling frustrated... what could you say to let people know?
    ... give your santa a belt
  • what's the first thing you are supposed to do when you wake up for school?
    ... give your santa a arm
  • It is time to leave the house to go to school, how are you feeling?
    ... give your santa hand
  • Who is someone who helps you when you are upset?
    .. give your santa some hair!
  • During school you suddenly start thinking of your family and start to miss them, what is something you can do to help you feel a little bit better.
    ... give your santa a boot!
  • What is something that can make you feel frustrated sometimes?
    ... give your santa a sack full of toys!
  • You get in the car to go to school... how are you feeling on the drive there?
    ... give your santa a leg
  • Today is a little more difficult leaving mom to go to school... what could help you feel better leaving the car?
    ... give your santa a leg
  • Instead of hitting and kicking when we are angry... what is something we can do to help our bodies calm down.
    ... give your santa a nose
  • Is it okay to hit or kick someone when you are angry?
    ... give your santa an eye!
  • Sometimes we make mistakes... what if you kicked someone when you were angry... what could you do to make it better?
    ... give your santa an eye!
  • You mom dropped you off at gymnastics, she isnt going to stay to watch you practice, how are you feeling?
    ... Give Your Santa a head
  • What is something someone can do to help you when you are feeling frustrated?
    ... give your santa a mouth
  • Your mom keeps telling you to "hurry up" and "get a move on", what could you say to her?
    ... give your santa a hand
  • You just hit your sister because you were mad she took your toy... what do you think will happen now?
    ... give your santa a hat!
  • It is the morning and it is time to wake up... how are you feeling?
    ...give your santa a arm
  • You are feeling frustrated.. Where do you feel it in your body?
    ... give your santa buttons for his santa suit.