
Random English vocabulary practice

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  • Name the category: French, Spanish, Italian
  • Name the category: pigeon, parakeet, dove
  • Name 10 fruits
    apple, banana, grape, blueberry, strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, raspberry, orange, pear, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, plum, apricot, peach, nectarine, etc.
  • Name 5 types of transportation
    airplane, bicycle, boat, bus, car, ferry, helicopter, horse, hot air balloon, motorcycle, scooter, ship, subway, truck, wagon, van, etc.
  • Name the category: firefighter, lawyer, nurse
    occupations, professions, jobs
  • Name the category: Aladdin, the Lion King, the Little Mermaid, 101 Dalmatians
    Disney movies
  • Name 6 things that are green.
    broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumber, emeralds, grass, leaves, lettuce, limes, peas, plants, shamrock, spinach, a nauseous person, Christmas trees, etc.
  • Name 3 items related to rain
    umbrella, raincoat, boots, puddles, clouds, thunder, lightning, etc.
  • Complete the common phrase: plain and _________________
  • Complete the phrase: "A flock of ____________"
    geese, seagulls, birds, sheep, etc.
  • Name the items necessary to complete the task: take your dog for a walk
    leash, collar, harness, poop bags, dog
  • Finish the sentence: I need to renew my driver's ___________
  • Name 3 words related to pizza
    pepperoni, crust, sauce, cheese, toppings, etc.
  • Name 10 countries
    Belgium, United States, Canada, Mexico, China, Egypt, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Ireland, Thailand, Japan, England, Switzerland, etc.
  • Name the category: Alabama, Georgia, West Virginia
    States in the US
  • Complete the common phrase: fun and _____________
  • Name the category: San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose
    American cities (specifically, in California)
  • Finish the sentence: If a boat springs a leak, it might _____________
  • Complete the phrase: "A jar of ______________"
    pickles, mayonnaise, mustard, etc.
  • Name things a kitten does
    meows, plays, sleeps, eats, chases, purrs, scratches, jumps, drinks milk, etc.
  • Name the category: banana, lemon, corn
    things that are yellow
  • Name 10 things that can be read.
    book, billboard, newspaper, catalog, website, text message, comic book, cookbook, recipe, sign, greeting card, music, map, magazine, list, etc.
  • Complete the phrase: A dozen __________
    eggs, donuts
  • Name 10 things you find in a kitchen.
    stove, refrigerator, plates, silverware, table, sink, microwave, pots/pans, blender, spatula, whisk, etc.
  • Name 10 things that are round
    ball, pizza, bracelet, cookie, donut, bagel, lifesaver, marble, moon, orange, pancake, pea, pearl, plate, ring, tire, etc.
  • Name the category: inch, foot, mile
    units of length (Imperial system)
  • Name the category: grass, spinach, peas
    things that are green