
Dear Diary Chapter 3

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  • Did Anne survive the war?
    No, she didn't.
  • What country did Anne and her family go to escape Hitler's Germany?
    They went to Holand.
  • How old was Zlata Filipoviic when she started writing her diary?
    She was 11.
  • Where did Zlata's family first escape?
    They first escaped to the USA.
  • What does Zata's diary describe?
    It describes life in a city in the middle of a war.
  • What was Erin's first class like?
    There were a lot of difficult students in it.
  • What is the title of the film that is based on the diary of Erin and her students?
    It is called 'Freedom Fighters'.
  • When was Zlata Filipovic born?
    She was born in 1980.
  • What nationality was Anne Frank?
    She was Jewish.
  • Who published Anne Frank's diary?
    Her father published them.
  • Why were the students difficult in Erin's class?
    It was because their lives were very difficult.
  • What was Erin's Gruell's job?
    She was an English teacher.
  • How did Zlata feel during the war?
    She was worried and scared.
  • When did the German police find Anne and her family?
    They found them in 1944.
  • Why did Anne Frank write the diary?
    The diary became her best friend.
  • What difficulties did Zlata and her family experience during the war?
    Sometimes it was difficult to find food or water.
  • What job did Adam get after the slaves were free?
    He got a job at a farm.
  • How many children did Adam Plummer have?
    He had 4 children.
  • When did the Bosnian war started?
    It started in 1992.
  • What happened to Adam Plummer's family?
    They were sold.
  • What's Zlata's job now?
    She is a writer.
  • What did Adam Plummer spend his money on?
    He built a house for his family.
  • When was Adam Francis Plummer born?
    in 1819
  • Whose diaries did Erin give the students to read?
    She gave them Zlata's and Anne's diaries.
  • Why did Zlata worry about her mum?
    She was worried that she wouldn't come back home.
  • How did writing diaries help Erin's students?
    It helped them to understand their lives and it helped them to believe in themselves.