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  • piggyback on
    to use something that someone else has made or done in order to get an advantage
  • esteem
    to regard highly; a highly favourable opinion or judgement
  • diagnosis
    identification of a disease
  • tunnel vision
    thinking about one part of a plan or problem instead of considering all the parts
  • personality disorders
    psychological disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning
  • narcissistic
    having to do with extreme self-adoration and a feeling of superiority of everyone
  • humble
    having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance
  • endemic
    especially of a disease or a condition, regularly found and very common among a particular group or in a particular area
  • allure
    the power to attract or charm
  • thrive
    to grow, develop, or be successful
  • empathy
    the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
  • belittle
    to make something appear smaller than it is; to refer to in a way that suggests lack of importance or value
  • Materialism
    preoccupation with physical comforts and things
  • pre-eminence
    the condition or quality of excelling others
  • overt
    open, not hidden, expressed or revealed in a way that is easily recognized
  • to be slighted by sb
    to have someone make a remark that criticizes you or offends you
  • put someone on a pedestal
    treat someone like she/he is perfect
  • superficially
    in a way that seems to be real or important when this is not true or correct
  • unethical
    not morally correct
  • endure
    to carry on through despite hardships; to put up with
  • showboat
    to show off
  • flip side
    the opposite, less good, or less popular side of something
  • entrepreneurial
    characterized by the taking of financial risks in the hope of profit; enterprising.
  • underlying
    real but not immediately obvious
  • steer
    to make something or someone go in a particular direction or progress in a particular way
  • manipulative
    skillful in influencing or controlling others to your own advantage
  • narcissism
    excessive self-love and self-absorption
  • narcissist
    a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves
  • flattery
    excessive or insincere praise
  • hubris
    excessive pride or self-confidence
  • correlation
    a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things
  • grandiose
    grand in an impressive or stately way; marked by pompous affectation or grandeur, absurdly exaggerated
  • innate
    existing from birth, inborn
  • entitlement
    (n) having the right to certain privileges; believing, sometimes without cause, that one deserves or has a right to certain privileges