
CY-2 Vocabulary Week 19

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  • evil, bad, _______ witch
    wicked (adj)
  • Quiet, usually in a serious manner.
    solemn (adj)
  • My ___________ is American because I was born in the USA and have citizenship there.
    nationality (n)
  • I am quite _________ of my younger cousin. She is very sweet and cute.
    fond (adj)
  • A feeling that you need to do or say something.
    urge (n)
  • To think long and hard about something would be to do this.
    ponder (v)
  • English is ________ spoken in many countries around the world.
    widely (adv)
  • We made a strange _________ of glue, baking soda, and contact solution. It created a fun slime material.
    mixture (n)
  • The girl ___________(d/ed) before knocking on the door because she wasn't sure what she was going to say.
    hesitate (v)
  • The acts of children and goblins who get up to no good.
    mischief (n)
  • Staring out a window, watching a bug, focusing on something other than what you should be.
    distracted (adj)
  • The boy had a lot of ___________ knowledge because he was well travelled, could speak 8 languages, and had lived in 15 different countries.
    intercultural (adj)
  • If we didn't have this we would be floating instead of stuck to the ground.
    gravity (n)
  • Mostly used when talking about what dogs do when they bring you something.
    fetch (v)
  • I ________(d/ed) at my mom who told me I couldn't have dessert.
    grouch (v)
  • Some people prefer ___________ jobs because it allows them to work with and communicate with lots of people.
    interpersonal (adj)