
Count, Non-Count and Partitives of Food (Side by ...

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  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Pint of ice cream
  • Choose from: little/few, much/many, this/these, is/are, it’s/they’re, it/them.
    Few— many
  • Where’s the tea?
    It’s in the cabinet.
  • Where’s the butter?
    It’s in the refrigerator.
  • Where’s the bread?
    It’s on the counter.
  • There isn’t/aren’t any ____________. .
    There isn’t any salt.
  • There isn’t/aren’t any ____________. .
    There isn’t any sugar.
  • A; How many/much ____ did you buy? B: I bought only a few/little _________.
    Many oranges— a few oranges
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Head of lettuce
  • There isn’t/aren’t any ____________. .
    There isn’t any fish.
  • Where’s the chicken?
    It’s in the freezer.
  • Where’s the sugar?
    It’s on the counter.
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Dozen/carton of eggs
  • A; How many/much ____ did you buy? B: I bought only a few/little _________.
    Many cookies— a few cookies
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Box of tea
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Bunch of carrots
  • There isn’t/aren’t any ____________. .
    There isn't any rice.
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Box of cookies
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Bunch of bananas
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Bag of flour
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Bunch of grapes
  • Where are the carrots?
    They’re in the refrigerator.
  • Where’s the milk?
    It’s in the refrigerator.
  • Where are the onions?
    They’re in the cabinet.
  • Where are the pears?
    They’re on the counter.
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Loaf of bread
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Can of coffee
  • A; How many/much ____ did you buy? B: I bought only a few/little _________.
    Many eggs— a few eggs
  • There isn’t/aren’t any ____________. .
    There aren’t any tomatoes.
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Carton of orange juice
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Jar of mayonnaise
  • There isn’t/aren’t any ____________. .
    There aren’t any lemons.
  • A; How many/much ____ did you buy? B: I bought only a few/little _________.
    Many potatoes— a few potatoes
  • Where’s the soda?
    It’s in the refrigerator.
  • There isn’t/aren’t any ____________. .
    There aren’t any onions.
  • A; How many/much ____ did you buy? B: I bought only a few/little _________.
    Much ketchup— a little ketchup
  • Where are the cookies?
    They’re in the cabinet.
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    A pound/kilogram of meat.
  • Choose from: little/few, much/many, this/these, is/are, it’s/they’re, it/them.
    Them— few
  • Choose from: little/few, much/many, this/these, is/are, it’s/they’re, it/them.
    This— is— it— little
  • A; How many/much ____ did you buy? B: I bought only a few/little _________.
    Much cheese— a little cheese
  • There isn’t/aren’t any ____________. .
    There isn’t any soy sauce.
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Bottle of cola/soda/pop
  • Where are the lemons?
    They’re in the refrigerator.
  • Choose from: little/few, much/many, this/these, is/are, it’s/they’re, it/them.
    It’s— it
  • Choose from: little/few, much/many, this/these, is/are, it’s/they’re, it/them.
    Many— they’re— few
  • A: Do we need anything from the supermarket? B: Yes, we need a/an __________ of _________.
    Pound of butter
  • Where’s the ice cream?
    It’s in the freezer.
  • A; How many/much ____ did you buy? B: I bought only a few/little _________.
    Much yogurt— a little yogurt
  • There isn’t/aren’t any ____________. .
    There isn’t any milk.