
Famous Places and Landmarks

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  • How long is the Great Wall of China - 5,500 kilometers or 5,500 miles?
    5,500 miles
  • Who lives here?
    The President of the United States of America
  • Name the building and the country.
    Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
  • Name the building and the country.
    The Acropolis in Athens, Greece.
  • Name the building and the country.
    The Colosseum in Rome, Italy.
  • What city is this?
    New York City, USA.
  • Name the temple and the country.
    Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
  • Name the building and the country.
    The Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia.
  • Name the landmark and the city.
    Big Ben in London, England.
  • Name the landmark and the country
    The Great Pyramids in Egypt.
  • What is the name of this famous museum?
    The Louvre in Paris, France.
  • Name the building and the city.
    The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Pisa, Italy.
  • Name the building and the country.
    Burj Khalifa, Dubai
  • Name the building and the country.
    Petronas Tower, Malaysia
  • The Statue of Liberty was a gift to The USA from what country?
  • Where is this famous landmark?
    Forbidden City in Beijing, China
  • Name the landmark and the country.
    Taj Mahal, India.
  • When did the Eiffel Tower open - 1889, 1899 or 1909?
    It opened in 1889.
  • Name the bridge and the city.
    The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA.