
Zeus' conversation (idioms and phrases)

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  • cut the ___ knot
    Gordian (to deal with problems by taking forceful action)
  • the sword of ____ (what might it mean, do you know?)
    Damocles (If you have a sword of Damocles hanging over you/your head, something bad seems very likely to happen to you)
  • a _____ horse
    Trojan (a person or thing that joins and deceives a group or organization in order to attack it from the inside)
  • beware of ____ bearing ___ (meaning, hon!)
    beware of Greeks bearing gifts (You should be suspicious of people who are suddenly kind to you)
  • _____ tasks (meaning, please!)
    Sisyphean (used to describe a task that can never be completed)
  • _____ box (+ meaning, my dear!)
    Pandora’s (something that creates a lot of new problems that you did not expect)
  • fiddle while ___ ___ (strange! what can it mean?!)
    Rome burns (to enjoy yourself or continue working as normal and not give any attention to something important and unpleasant that is happening that you should )
  • ___ ___ built in a day (hmm, what does it mean, I wonder?)
    Rome wasn’t (said to emphasize that you cannot expect to do important things in a short period of time)
  • when in ___, do as __ ___do (Interesting!)
    when in Rome, do as the Romans do (when you are visiting another place, you should follow the customs of the people in that place)
  • as wise as ____ (do you know what it means?)
    Solomon (Exceptionally wise, discerning, or sound in judgment. A reference to the biblical King Solomon, renowned for his wisdom.)
  • it’s __ ___ to me (this is the easiest one, c'mon!)
    all Greek (a way of saying that you do not understand something that is said or written)
  • ____ victory (I bet you have no idea what it means!)
    Pyrrhic (a victory that is not worth winning because the winner has lost so much in winning it)
  • _____ task (You know the drill - definition!)
    Herculean (A herculean task or ability is one that requires extremely great strength or effort)
  • ____ touch (and definition!)
    Midas (If someone has the Midas touch, that person is financially successful in everything they do)
  • ___ heel (congenially inviting the definition)
    Achilles (a small problem or weakness in a person or system that can result in failure)