
Shakespeare's happy!

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  • Which of the following books weren't written by Jane Austen? 1) Pride and Prejudice 2) Sense and Sensibility 3) The Waves
    The Waves
  • Which British author could read and write fluently by the age of four?
    J. R. R. Tolkien
  • Which three sisters wrote classic novels including Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights?
    Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë
  • Mary Shelley conceived of the ideas for Frankenstein while famously spending a summer with which lord?
    Lord Byron
  • TRUE OR FALSE: Sherlock Holmes never said his famous saying: ‘Elementary, my dear Watson’.
  • TRUE OR FALSE: Mary Shelley’s inspiration for Frankenstein came from a daydream.
    FALSE! It was a nightmare...
  • Over/under 20 number of plays written by William Shakespeare
    Over: 37
  • What Shakespeare play is about a prince who contemplates suicide after the murder of his father, the king?
  • What was William Shakespeare's sun sign?
  • Who said: 'No innocent person ever has an alibi'?
    Agatha Christie
  • Over/under 1983 when George Orwell wrote 1984?
    Under: 1949
  • What do you call the main character of a literary narrative?
  • Which of these women is not a poet? A) Jane Austen B) Emily Dickinson C) Elizabeth Barret Browning D) Maya Angelou
    A) Jane Austen
  • Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist of which Jane Austen novel?
    Pride and Prejudice
  • TRUE OR FALSE: Originally Shakespeare’s plays only included men in their productions.
  • Geoffrey Chaucer was crucial to expanding the use of Middle English in his literature. What were the two dominant literary languages of his time?
    Latin and French