
Time for kids (Level 4 lesson 5)

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  • . Who was the poor speller? a. Meriwether Lewis b. Thomas Jefferson c. William Clark d. Joseph Clark
  • Approximately how many years has it been since the expedition? a. over 300 years b. over 150 years c. 200 years d. 250 years
  • According to the article, what did Lewis and Clark discover and describe in their diaries? a. animals, plants, and native tribes b. animals and plants c. borders to Mexico and Canada d. native tribes and customs
  • How long before Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific Ocean? a. 500 days and 4,000 miles b. 400 miles and 16 days c. 500 days and 5,000 miles d. 400 days and 5,000 miles
  • What are some of the perils that Lewis and Clark faced? a. wild animals and wild birds b. bear attacks and bitter cold c. frigid waters and broken wagons d. lack of governmental support
  • . In connection with PBS, who has produced a film on the famous expedition? a. Ken Burns and Dayton Duncan b. Descendents of Lewis and Clark c. Ken Burns and William Clark d. Dayton Duncan and Meriwether Lewis
  • How are scientists able to learn more about Lewis and Clark’s trip? a. They are interviewing family members. b. They are documenting evidence of the trip. c. They are digging in the soil where the pair rested before heading home. d. T
  • Who did Lewis invite on the trip? a. his brother, William Clark b. his mentor, Joseph Clark c. his father, William Clark d. his best friend, William Clark