
Colors Spelling Bee

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  • What color is it?
    It's gray.
    It's whyte.
    It's greye.
    It's white.
  • What color is the rabbit?
    It's yellow.
    It's black.
    It's white.
    It's gray.
  • What color is it?
    It's purpel.
    It's purple.
    It's purpelle.
    It's prupel.
  • What color is it?
    It's graye.
    It's grene.
    It's gray.
    It's green.
  • What color is the cat?
    It's oranage.
    It's orannge.
    It's orange.
    It's orrange.
  • What color are the leaves?
    It's green.
    It's grene.
    It's orrange.
    It's orange.
  • What color is it?
    It's griy.
    It's gruy.
    It's groy.
    It's gray.
  • What color is it?
    It's pinnk.
    It's pinq.
    It's pinke.
    It's pink.
  • What color is it?
    It's pinke.
    It's bleue.
    It's pink.
    It's blue.
  • What color is it?
    It's piink.
    It's pinke.
    It's pink.
    It's pinnk.
  • What color is the animal?
    It's pinque.
    It's bleu.
    It's blue.
    It's pinke.
  • What color is it?
    It's orange.
    It's oraneg.
    It's oraneg.
    It's orrange.
  • What color is it?
    It's purpel.
    It's pinke.
    It's pruple.
    It's purple.
  • What color is it?
    It's reed.
    It's red.
    It's redd.
    It's rid.
  • What color is the mushroom?
    It's redd.
    It's purpel.
    It's purple.
    It's red.
  • What color is it?
    It's bleu.
    It's blueu.
    It's blue.
    It's blu.
  • What color is it?
    It's yello.
    It's yellow.
    It's orange.
    It's oraneg.
  • What color is the cat?
    It's blak.
    It's blacke.
    It's blake.
    It's black.
  • What color is it?
    It's gray.
    It's green.
    It's graye.
    It's greye.
  • What color is the horse?
    It's bleu.
    It's black.
    It's blake.
    It's blue.
  • What color is it?
    It's yello.
    It's yellow.
    It's yelow.
    It's yelowe.
  • What color is it?
    It's bleue.
    It's red.
    It's blue.
    It's green.
  • What color are the balls?
    It's wite.
    It's whyte.
    It's whiet.
    It's white.
  • What color is it?
    It's green.
    It's grenn.
    It's grene.
    It's greenn.