
Mr. Bean Christmas Part 1

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  • What was the name of the episode?
    Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean
  • Which colour Christmas ornament did he break? And which one did he buy?
    He broke the red ornament and bought the gold one
  • Name two toys he adds to the Nativity scene.
    Toy soldiers, truck, robot, T-Rex, tanks, helicopter
  • From where did Mr. Bean get his Christmas tree?
    He stole it from the town square.
  • What did he unplug to try out his Christmas lights?
    The outside Christmas lights for the whole store
  • Name one instrument being played when Mr. Bean was conducting the band.
    Tuba, trumpet
  • How many Santa beards did he pull?
  • Name all of the decorations on Mr. Bean's Christmas tree.
    The lights and the one ornament he bought.
  • What did his girlfriend want for Christmas?
    A ring
  • Name two things Mr. Bean made the boy put into the charity bucket and why.
    He stole the items: wallet, ring, necklace, money