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  • List three positive things about yourself.
    Three attributes.
  • "I will help my teacher pass out the papers, because I really really want a sticker afterwards". Is that generous?
  • How is a library generous?
    It gives you books and activities and doesn't expect anything in return!
  • "Uh oh. My friend forget her crayon box today. I have so many crayons, so I can share with her" Is that generous?
  • Who is generous in your family?
  • How can you be generous with your clothes?
    You can donate them to people who need them.
  • How could you show generosity with your friend at school?
    Example of generosity.
  • How can you be generous with your time?
    By giving up your time to go help a friend, or volunteer somewhere.
  • How does God show us generosity?
    Food, light, warmth, love, intelligence, senses, etc
  • How can you be generous if you see trash on the street?
    Pick it up and throw it away.
  • Does a candle show us generosity?