
Cause and Effect and Problem Solving- Vocational ...

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  • Your doctor's office is only open on days and times that you have to work. What could you do?
  • Your supervisor gave you directions for a task but you were thinking about what you were going to eat for lunch and did not hear him. What should you do next?
  • You are not happy with the review you got from your supervisor. What should you do next?
  • You were in a hurry when you got to work and forgot to clock in. What should you do?
  • You have a doctor's appoint scheduled on a day you are also scheduled to work. What should you do?
  • John stayed out late with his friends even though he had work early in the morning. The next morning he overslept his alarm. What is one thing John might do next after waking up late for work?
    Call his work and let them know he is running late.
  • You were supposed to leave boxes you packed open, but you were not paying attention and accidentally taped them close. What should you do next?
  • Name a possible cause for someone being fired.
  • When you looked at your calendar you thought the day was Tuesday but it was actually Monday. You are not scheduled to work on Mondays. What might happen next?
    You might show up to work even though you are not scheduled to work.
  • You did not get a good review from your supervisor. What are possible causes?