
Fun facts about English!

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  • What is the Spanish translation for "ROPE"?
  • Which is the most commonly used letter in the English alphabet?
    Letter 'E'
  • 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' is an example of a pangram. Can you tell what a pangram is?
    That's a sentence that contains every letter in the English alphabet at least once.
  • What is the Spanish translation for "INSANE"?
    "Loco", "Demente"
  • What is the Spanish translation for "EXIT"?
  • What do these words have in common: binoculars, scissors, shears, tongs, gallows, trousers, jeans, pants, pyjamas.
    They exist ONLY in plural form.
  • What is the shortest, oldest, and most commonly used word in English?
  • What is the Spanish translation for "BARK"?
  • What is the Spanish translation for "LARGE"?
  • What is so special about the word "RYTHM"?
    It's the longest English word without a vowel.
  • What is the Spanish translation for "LIBRARY"?
  • What's so special about the word "LEVEL"?
    It's a palindrome: You can read it the same way backwards.
  • How many letters are there in the English Alphabet?
  • What's so special about the sentence "WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW"?
    You can read it the same way backwards.
  • What is the Spanish translation for "CONSTIPATED"?
  • What is the Spanish translation for "SENSIBLE"?
    "Sensato", "Prudente"
  • What is the most commonly used adjective in the English language: BIG, LONG, GOOD or BAD?
  • You can spell every number up to “1000” without using the letter...?
  • What is the Spanish translation for "BILLION"?
    "Mil millones"
  • What is the Spanish translation for "CARPET"?
  • What is the Spanish translation for "NOTICE"?
    "Darse cuenta"
  • What is the Spanish translation for "ACTUALLY"?
    "En realidad", "Realmente"
  • Which great writter added about 1700 common words of the English language, such as "EXCITEMENT". "DAWN" or "LONELY"?
    William Shakespeare
  • What is the Spanish translation for "MAYOR"?