
Christmas Vocab 2 & Describe A santa claus

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  • 18. What do we put on a Chiristmas tree?
  • 11. How does Santa Claus travel?
    Santa Claus travel by sleigh.
  • 14. What is the name of giant socks put out at Christmas?
  • 3. What clolour is Santa claus's beard?
    It's white.
  • 7. Describe Santa Claus' clothes.
    He wears a red coat and a red pants, a black belt and black boots. He wears mittens.
  • 13. What does chldren build at Christmas?
    They build a snowman
  • 15. What animals pull Santa's sleigh?
  • 1. Who gives children presents at Christmas?
    Santa claus gives children presents at Christmas.
  • 8. Does he wear gloves?
    Yes, he does
  • 10. Where does Santa Claus live?
    Santa Claus lives in the North Pole.
  • 16. Who help Santa to make toys?
    Elf/ Elves
  • 4. What does he have in his eyes?
    He has a twinkle in his eyes.
  • 2. Is Santa Claus big or thin?
    He's big.
  • 17. What is the name of Santa's transport?
  • 9. What does he carry?
    He carries a big sack.
  • 6. What does Santa Claus wear on his head?
    He wears a red hat.
  • 12. How does Santa get into your house?
    Santa Claus gets into my house through the chimney.
  • 5. What does Santa Claus wear on his face?
    He wears glasses.