
National Geographic Wolves

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  • What does the word 'extinct' mean?
    A group of animals no longer living.
  • What kind of wolf is this?
    An Iberian wolf.
  • Do wolves live in packs or alone?
    They live in packs
  • How many red wolves live in the wild?
    Only about 100
  • What kind of wolf is this?
    A Timber Wolf
  • What other members of a wolf family are there?
    Coyote, Jackal, red fox, wild dog, domestic dog.
  • What kind of wolf is this?
    An arctic wolf
  • What does domestic mean?
    Tame and kept by humans.
  • How does an alpha male show he is boss?
    Keeping his tail and head high.
  • Who is the leader of a pack of wolves?
    The alpha male and alpha female.
  • What does 'prey' mean?
    It is an animal that is eaten by other animals.
  • Do wolves live in the North Pole?
  • What does the word 'litter' mean?
    A group of animals born at one time.
  • Are wolves good hunters?
    Yes, they are.
  • How old are wolf pups when they join the hunting group?
    About six months old.
  • How strong is a wolf's sense of smell?
    100 times stronger than humans.
  • How old are wolf pups when they leave the den?
    They are three weeks old.
  • What is this wolf doing?
  • How do wolves talk with each other?
    They howl.