
Controversial Questions

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  • What's a holiday that doesn't exist that you'd like to create?
  • If you want to get people mad, then be happy. Agree or disagree?
  • If you went back in time, assigned to be a dictator for one week, who would you pick and why?
  • What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed?
  • Can we party after death?
  • If you found out that humans are merely part of an experiment, being controlled by aliens like puppets, would you quit?
  • Would you rather take the side of the hero or the sidekick? Why?
  • If you were wrongfully put into an insane asylum, how would you convince them that you're actually sane and and not just pretending to be sane?
  • How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
  • Do you believe in karma?
  • You're a mad scientist, what scientific experiment would you do if money and ethics weren't an issue?
  • If you were transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you were from the future?
  • Have you ever silently wished harm on another person?
  • Let’s be honest… we know dogs lick their private parts all of the time. Do you ever think about that when they are licking your face?
  • What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?
  • Would you ever refuse to date someone because you didn’t like their first name? How about their last name?
  • After you survive the apocalypse, what will your job be?
  • What is the best and worst name?
  • Can you have your boss as your friend? Why/Why not?
  • What kind of secret society would you like to start?
  • Which one is more valuable? Beauty or brains? Why?
  • Toilet paper over or under?
  • What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street?
  • How do you really feel about women who carry dogs in their purses?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
  • Should animals run the world? Why/Why not?
  • Is it morally okay if you happen to kill a murderer? Why/Why not?
  • What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child?
  • Should we be living to eat or eating to stay alive?
  • If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
  • If you were a pair of shoes, what kind would you be?
  • What secret conspiracy would you like to start?
  • What is the best pizza topping?
  • If you could make a rule for one day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be?
  • Would you rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs?
  • Why do people love watching victims of shark attacks on TV?
  • If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
  • What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?
  • Pirates are more real than ninjas. Agree or disagree?
  • Is cereal soup? Why/Why not?
  • What's invisible but you wish people could see?