

  •   0%
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  • It has a long noses.
    It have a long noses.
    It has a long nose.
    It have a long nose.
  • It have short legs.
    It has a short legs.
    It has short legs.
    It has short leg.
  • She has a big ears.
    She have a big ears.
    She have big ears.
    She has big ears.
  • It have short arms.
    It has short arm.
    It has a short arms.
    It has short arms.
  • It has a big foot.
    It has big foots.
    It has a big feet.
    It has big foot.
  • It has a long tail.
    It has long tails.
    It have a long tail.
    It have long tails.
  • She has long hair.
    She has long hairs.
    She have long hair.
    She has a long hair.
  • She have mouths.
    She has a mouths.
    She has mouths.
    She has a mouth.
  • She has big eye.
    She has a big eyes.
    She has big eyes.
    She have big eyes.
  • He has short hair.
    He has short hairs.
    He have short hairs.
    He have short hair.
  • It has a long leg.
    It has long leg.
    It have long legs.
    It has long legs.
  • He has a long arms.
    He has long arm.
    He has long arms.
    He have long arms.