
used to/would

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  • When the weather was bad, I _______ stay home and read comic books.
    used to/would
  • On Sundays, my mum _______ wake us up and cook pancakes.
    used to/ would
  • I _______ wear glasses when I was at university.
     used to/ would
  • He _______ sit on the front porch and read.
    used to/would
  • I_____ love playing darts
    used to
  • My brother and I _______ fight all the time.
    used to/ would
  • I didn't use to like cheese when I was younger./ I didn't use to walk home after school./ As a child, I would hate having to get up early.
    As a child, I would hate having to get up early.
  • How many friends _______ have?
    did you use to  
  • I would go shopping with her every Friday./ I would have very blond hair./ She would call me after class to chat.
    I would have very blond hair.
  • When I was a child I (didn't use to/ wouldn't) like peanuts
    didn't use to
  • I ________hate running in mornings
    used to