
Operating Systems

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  • A text-based user interface used to run programs, manage computer files and interact with the computer.
    Command Line Interface
  • Give one disadvantage of using macOS.
    High cost of hardware, only works on Apple hardware, limited number of apps available
  • A company or person that sells a particular product.
    A vendor
  • GIve one disadvantage of using Linux OS.
    One has to learn how to use it, dependence on chat forums in case of problems.
  • To modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.
    To customize
  • Give one disadvantage of using Windows OS.
    Security issues, poor stability, cost
  • Which OS has this logo?
  • Give one advantage of using macOS.
    Simple, organized UI, user-friendly, compatibility, security.
  • A horizontal line on an interface that allows the user to type in various commands.
    A command line
  • In your own words, what is an operating system?
    It is a program that manages a computer’s resources.
  • Software that is distributed with source code that may be read or modified by users.
    Open source software
  • Give one advantage of using Windows OS.
    User friendliness, support for hardware, gaming
  • Name 5 different operating systems.
    Linux, macOS, iOS, Windows OS, Android, Chrome OS
  • Name 4 different Linux distros
    Fedora, Debian, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Kali, Arch, etc.
  • The user interacts through this with electronic devices through the use of icons, menus, etc.
    Graphical User Interface
  • A package of computer software, especially one that forms a Linux operating system, that can be downloaded by users.
    A distro
  • The core component of an operating system. It acts as a bridge between applications and the data processing performed at the hardware level.
    A kernel
  • Give one advantage of using Linux.
    It's free, customizable.
  • The set of computer instructions that have been written in order to create a program or piece of software.
    The source code