
Moral Studies - Assessment 3

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  • How does this picture illustrate forgiveness?
    The girl with short hairs tries to say sorry and tell the truth
  • What are the benefits of forgiving yourself?
    Healthier relationships. Improved mental health.
  • Can forgiveness help reduce depression? Expalin
    Yes, because by forgiving we try to remove our emotional pain
  • Why is it good to forgive others?
    Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you
  • Can forgiveness help reduce depression? Expalin
    Yes, because by forgiving we try to remove emotional pain to someone
  • What are the advantages of forgiveness?
    Healthier relationships. Improved mental health.
  • What are the advantages of forgiveness?
    Healthier relationships. Improved mental health.
  • How does this picture illustrate forgiveness?
    The girl with short hairs tries to say sorry and tell the truth
  • What is the definition of forgiveness?
    The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.
  • How do I forgive someone who keeps hurting me?
    Forgiving someone isn’t easy. And it gets still more taxing to forgive someone who keeps hurting by focusing on the advantages of forgiveness over anger.
  • How forgiveness does affect your health?
    it may be affecting your physical health or mental health
  • What are the benefits of forgiving yourself?
    self-forgiveness have better mental and emotional well-being, more positive attitudes and healthier relationships.
  • What are some examples of forgiveness?
    When you are mad at someone but you then accept his apology and are no longer mad
  • What is the importance of forgiveness?
    Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you
  • How forgiveness does affect your health?
    it may be affecting your physical health or mental health
  • Why is it good to forgive others?
    Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you