
FCE 2 (OW) | U9: Future Perfect & Future Continu ...

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  • Complete: I won't have *** by the time I'm 35.
    gotten married
  • Let’s go running on Sunday morning. (use the future continuous to refuse)
    On Sunday?! I'll bee sleeping like a baby on Sunday morning. Thanks.
  • How long will you have been studying English by the end of this year?
    I will have been studying English for...
  • Will you have finished school by 2025?
  • It’s December 23, and I need to go Christmas shopping. Could you help me? (use the future continuous to refuse)
    I'd love to, but I'll be taking my pet llama for a walk.
  • How long will you have known your best friend by the end of the year?
    I'll have known him for 13 years.
  • You won the lottery today. How much will your life have changed by this time next year?
  • Complete: I will have *** by the time I'm 30.
    become famous
  • What do you hope you’ll have done by the end of this year?
    I hope I'll have moved to another place.
  • You’re coming to my great grandma's wedding on Saturday, right? (use the future continuous to refuse)
    Unfortunately I'm not. My family and I will be painting our house.
  • How long will you have been living here by the end of the year?
    I'll have been living here for 99 years.
  • By the time I get home today, I will have...
    been awake for 23 hours.
  • What will you be doing tonight?
    I'll be watching a film.