
Present Simple: Community Helpers

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  • You are a student. __________ _________ to learn about everything. A. You love B. You loves C. You loved
    You love to learn about everything.
  • The dentist is patient. _____ ________ your teeth. A. She cure B. She cures C. They cure
    She cures your teeth.
  • Vanessa is a great teacher. ________ __________ math to everyone. A. She teaches B. We teach B. It teaches
    She teaches Math to everyone.
  • Stephanie is an amazing singer. _______ _________ a great voice. A. She has B. She have C. She does not/doesn't have
    She has a great voice.
  • A farmer is a hard worker. _________ __________ sure our food is healthy to eat. A. She makes B. He makes C. They make
    He makes sure our food is healthy to eat.
  • Mafer is an early years teacher. _________ __________ ________ in an university. A. She does teach B. She does not/doesn't teach C. She teaches
    She does not/doesn't teach in an university.
  • Alfred is an English teacher. ______ ________ ________ how to teach Spanish. A. He does know B. He do not/ don't know C. He does not/doesn't know
    He doesn't know how to teach Spanish.
  • I am a doctor. _______ ________ medicine to my patients. A. I prescirbes B. It prescribe C. I prescribe
    I prescribe medicine to my patients.
  • Firefighters are brave. _________ ___________ out fires. a. They put b. He put b. It puts c.
    They put out fires.
  • A sanitation worker gets up early. _______ ___________ the trash. A. It organizes B. He organize C. He organizes
    He organizes the trash.
  • We are nurses. ________ _________ good care of our patients. A. We takes B. We take C. We don't take
    We take good care of our patients.
  • The police officer is courages. _______ ___________ after criminals. a. They chase b. She chases c. We chase
    She chases after criminals