
IR 5.2 Vocab Week 16

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  • A writer usually depends on his _____ to create an interesting story for a new book.
    musings (n)
  • The quiet student's speech was barely ____ to the other classmates.
    audible (adj)
  • Everyone awaited the _____ of the thief who stole all the MI dollars.
    revelation (n)
  • The giant tsunami ____(ed) the whole city with sea water.
    engulf (v)
  • The man was surprised when he found out his grandpa wrote in his ___ to give him a 10 million dollar house once his grandpa had died.
    will (n)
  • The student _____ tried to tape his homework back together after his dog tried to eat it.
    desperately (adv)
  • I ____ to eat breakfast after I do exercise in the morning because I am even more hungry and the food tastes better.
    prefer (v)
  • Mountain climbers need to overcome the _____ appearance of Mt. Everest if they wish to climb it.
    forbidding (adj)
  • George Washington was a ____ leader, and that is why he eventually became the 1st president of the United States.
    formidable (adj.)
  • The explorer quickly took _____(s) of the lochness monster that peaked its head out of the water for just a moment.
    snapshot (n)
  • There has been several reports of mermaid _____(s) in the edge of the Pacific Ocean
    sighting (n)
  • It is important to be _____ when you are giving an apology to someone.
    earnest (adj)
  • Sometimes, in order to save the rest of the human body, a doctor must _____ a badly hurt leg or arm.
    amputate (v)
  • The daughter kept her father's scarf as a ____ to remember him after his death.
    keepsake (n)
  • An inventor is someone that comes up with a new _____ .
    brainchild (n)
  • The father _____(ed) his son for stealing candy from the store.
    chastise (v)
  • It is hard to throw away ____ objects when you are older, even if you might not need them anymore.
    sentimental (adj).
  • The student tried to _____ his parents that he needed ice cream in order to not be sick anymore.
    convince (v)
  • Everyone on the street stopped to watch the _____ dancer show her moves while wearing a colorful dress.
    flamboyant (adj)
  • The man _____ climbed up the mountain even without food or water.
    relentlessly (adv)