
BWE - Being Polite

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  • 7 Do you think you will you attend this month’s trade fair? (BE)
    7 Will you be attending this month’s trade fair?
  • 6 My advice is to speak to the IT department (WERE)
    6. If I were you, I would speak to the IT department
  • 2 Could you meet me on Saturday? (WONDERING)
    2. I was wondering if we could meet on Saturday.
  • 4 Why don’t you reinstall the program? (TRIED)
    4 Have you tried reinstalling the program?
  • 1. Please help me with this report. (MIND)
    1. Would you mind helping me with this report.
  • 3. Are you going to use Lecture Room 1 tomorrow? (BE)
    3. Will you be using Lecture Room 1 tomorrow?
  • 5 Can you send me the report by Friday? (GREAT)
    5 It would be great if you could send me the report by Friday.
  • 10 I think you should rephrase the last sentence. (MIGHT)
    10 You might want to rephrase the last sentence.
  • 9 Please don’t smoke near the entrance. (MIND)
    9 Would you mind not smoking near the entrance?
  • 8 Can you send me the PowerPoint today? (COULDN’T)
    8 You couldn’t send me the PowerPoint today, could you?