
Trip to the City Week 2

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  • What is a boomerang?
    Something you throw and then it comes back to you
  • Tell how long we touched seashells.
    We touched seashells for a little while/an hour/a few minutes/a long time.
  • Tell one thing we did at the dinosaur museum.
    answers vary
  • how do we say to explore in the past?
  • What did we do to get to the musuem?
    We rode the subway to the museum. We waited in line for our tickets and then rode on the subway.
  • Say a sentence using, My friends and I and played with
    My friends and I played with______________.
  • Tell what we did at the subway station.
    We walked down the stairs/stood in line/bought our tickets
  • Tell two activities we did at the museum using AND
    We_________________and then we________________ at the museum.
  • Tell what we did at the museum using AND and how long we did it.
    We________________ed and then________________ for____________.
  • Put the sentence in order: looked We at arrowheads and rocks.
    We looked at arrowheads and rocks.
  • Tell how long the teacher told us about the fossils.
    The teacher told us about the fossils for...
  • What does crowded mean?
    a lot of people
  • What did you see at the museum?
    I saw a dinosaur skeleton at the museum