
Ready For Advanced Fourth Edition KWT page 32 St ...

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  • It is Charlotte's responsibility to ensure the contracts are signed on time. CHARGE Charlotte ........................................ sure the contracts are signed on time.
    Charlotte IS IN CHARGE OF + MAKING sure the contracts are signed on time.
  • I regret not concentrating more on what the teacher said during my French lessons. ATTENTION I now wish __________________ the teacher during my French lessons. 
    I now wish I HAD PAID MORE/GREATER + ATTENTION TO the teacher during my French lessons.
  • Doing a master's degree often involves wading _______ an enormous amount of research..
  • We don't know if the chemical can harm bees, so further testing is required to find out. HARMFUL Further testing is required to find out whether the chemical may be .............................. not.
    Further testing is required to find out whether the chemical may BE HARMFUL + TO/FOR BEES OR not.
  • There's something creepy and ________ about 1899 right from its opening episode, and this dread powers the whole narrative forward. SETTLE
  • You should reduce the amount of sugar in your diet if you want to stay healthy.      BACK      You had _________________________ want to stay healthy.
    You had BETTER + CUT BACK ON SUGAR IF you want to stay healthy.
  • People have a tendency to _______ information which does not support their previously established beliefs. LOOK
  • We think of physical reality as what __________ exists, independent of any observer. OBJECT
  • It is important for parents to be _________ of their children. SUPPORT
  • I think this report needed to be written more carefully.  CARE    You should __________________ you wrote this report.                                             
    You should HAVE TAKEN + MORE CARE WHEN/WHILE you wrote this report.
  • The article is full of easily _______ fabrications. PROVE
  • Since the director could not speak at the awards ceremony himself, one of the actors took his place. BEHALF  One of the actors made ________________ the director at the awards ceremony. 
    One of the actors made A SPEECH + ON BEHALF OF the director at the awards ceremony.
  • Unfortunately, they didn't find my performance ________, and I didn't get the role. PERSUADE