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  • What color is the boy's hair?
    He has got yellow (blonde) hair.
  • What vegetable is this?
    Green Beans
  • What vegetable is this?
    Sweet Potato
  • Can you name the members of the family?
    Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Grandfather, Grandma
  • How do people celebrate Thanksgiving?
    They eat dinner/lunch together.
  • What are they wearing?
    She is wearing a dress and a apron. He is wearing a suit ( pants and jacket) , a hat, shoes and a belt.
  • What kind of pie is this?
    Pumpkin Pie
  • What food is this?
    (Mashed) potatoes
  • Where is the turkey?
    The turkey is in front of the desk.
  • In which month is Thanksgiving?
  • Where is the turkey?
    The turkey is next to the desk.
  • What is this pouring over the mashed potato?
  • Where is the turkey?
    The turkey is on the desk.
  • What is inside of the can?
    Cranberry sauce
  • Can you name the parts of the turkey?
    Legs, Feet, Head, Body, Tail, Beak, Feathers, Wings.
  • Where is the turkey?
    The turkey is behind the desk.
  • Name the parts of the body
    Head, Face, Nose, Eye, Mouth, Arms, Hands, Legs, Feet
  • Can you name the family members?
    Dad, Mum, Grandpa, Sister
  • What is this?