
Matura transformacje

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  • (To rodzaj) ______________________________ chemicals that are safe for the soil.
    It’s a sort of / it’s a kind of
  • (Moim zdaniem) ______________________________ everyone can be green today!
    in my opinion
  • (Przewiduję) ______________________________ that in the future there will be cars which won't produce car fumes.
    I predict
  • (Tak jak ja to widzę) ______________________________ some people should still learn how to protect the Earth.
    As I see it
  • (Niezbyt to oczywiste) ______________________________ that we understand the problem of deforestation
    It’s not very clear
  • (Być może) ______________________________ necessary to organize a workshop for our kindergarten children on how to sort out rubbish.
    It might
  • (Z przykrością dowiaduję się) ______________________________ that our company is not taking part in Eco competition this year.
    I’m sorry to learn
  • (Zgadzam się) ______________________________ that we should be more responsible for endangered species.
    I agree
  • (Jeśli pytasz mnie o zdanie) ______________________________ I'd rather travel by bike than public transport.
    If you ask me
  • (Zakładam) ______________________________ that not enough has been done to decrease air pollution in Poland.
    I assume
  • (Jeśli chodzi o) ______________________________ being green, not everyone remembers what can be done to protect our planet.
    When it comes to
  • Look at these plastic bags! (Wygląda jakby) ______________________________ someone has left their rubbish here.
    It looks as if
  • (To rodzaj) ______________________________ a new waste bin.
    It’s a kind of / it’s a sort of
  • (Jeśli o mnie chodzi) ______________________________ we can organize Earth Day together, can't we?
    As far as I’m concerned
  • (Niestety, muszę się nie zgodzić) ______________________________ that this is the best option.
    Unfortunately, I must disagree
  • (Wygląda na to) ______________________________ that someone has collected all the rubbish in the schoolyard.
    It looks like
  • (Nie jestem pewien) ______________________________ if we can manage to stop global warming.
    I’m not sure
  • (Powiedziałbym, że) ______________________________ even little children can learn how to protect environment.
    I would say that
  • (Mam na myśli) ______________________________ everyone can start protecting animals by not buying animal furs.
    I mean
  • (Osobiście uważam) ______________________________ that saving water is not difficult at all.
    Personally, I think
  • (Odnoszę wrażenie) ______________________________ that a lot has been done to protect dolphins.
    I have the impression
  • (Nie dostrzegam) ______________________________ any good points in opening a new landfill near our school.
    I can’t (quite) make out
  • (Z przykrością informuję) ______________________________ that we expect energy breaks after the storm.
    I’m sorry to inform
  • (Przypuszczam) ______________________________ there will be cars that won't make harm to the environment.
    I suppose
  • (Z mojego punktu widzenia) ______________________________ solar panels are worth installing.
    From my point of view
  • (Przykro mi to słyszeć) ______________________________. Our politicians are so irresponsible as far as environmental problems are concerned.
    I’m sorry to hear
  • (Wydaje się, że) ______________________________ easy to reduce water pollution.
    It seems to be
  • (Wierzę) ______________________________ that people are getting more responsible for the environment.
    I believe
  • (Obawiam się) ______________________________ that our children won't remember flowers, trees or grass.
    I’m afraid