
Thanksgiving Manners

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  • You want something from the other end of the table, A) you don't want to bother others so you reach over others to grab it, B)  ask someone to pass it to you
    B. ask someone to pass it to you
  • How do you get more of the food that you do like?
    Ask for someone to pass the dish, ask for more, etc.
  • What would you say to the person serving you the food?
    Thank you
  • How would you turn down a food you don't like?
    No thank you, I'm going to pass, etc.
  • Using the phone during meal is A) OK, after all its free time, B) Not expected behavior
    B. Not expected behavior
  • If there are 8 pieces of pie, and there are 5 people, how many pieces should you take?
    1 piece. 
  • How would you get the gravy if it was at the other side of the table?
    Ask someone to pass it
  • If you don't like a food you tried, you shoud A) keep it to the side and say nothing, B) say "eeww, thats gross"
    A. keep it to the side and say nothing
  • What should you do if you get sauce on your fingers at the table?
    Use a napkin
  • Is it  okay to use a very loud voice at the dinner table? Why?
  • What is something you could do if you start feeling anxious at the dinner table?
    take deeps breaths, ask to be excused for a moment, etc.
  • It's okay to talk with your mouth full if you just took a bite. Why?
  • When do you start eating at a restraunt or during a big family meal? A) as soon as you get your food B) after everyone gets their food
    B.  after everyone gets their food
  • What's a compliment you could give to your host?
  • How do you reply if someone asks if you liked the food but you didn't?
    Find something positive to say and politely decline
  • If someone down the table asks you to pass a dish, do you pass it directly to them or pass it around the table to them?
    Pass it around to them