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  • Do you believe in ghosts? What do you think happens to a person after they die?
    你相信鬼嗎? 你認為一個人死後會發生什麼?
  • Who do you think are more superstitious, older or younger people?
  • In some cultures, it is bad luck to see three butterflies together. In Taiwan, most people don't peek in when they pass by a house having a funeral, they think it might bring the bad luck, do you think seeing anything will make you unluck
    在某些文化裡,看到三隻蝴蝶在一起代表厄運。 在台灣,人們不會去瞄正在辦喪事的人家。 你認為看到什麼會讓你感覺那天會很倒霉呢?
  • Would you ever visit a fortune teller? Do you think they can predict the future?
    你會去算命嗎? 你認為他們能預測未來嗎?
  • Are any animals considered to be lucky or unlucky in your country?
  • Do any of the superstitions seem particularly strange?
  • If you were feeling very unlucky, what would you do that day?
  • Would you rather have a lot of luck or a lot of money?
  • Do you believe in horoscopes? Do horoscopes affect your mood or actions?
    你相信星座嗎? 星座會影響你的情緒或行為嗎?
  • Do you think luck plays a part in your life?
  • Many people have lucky charms, do you?
  • Is it possible for a person to become a lucky person?
  • In Japan, the numbers 4 and 9 are considered to be unlucky. In Taiwan, most hospitals close their fourth floor, do you know why?
    在日本,四跟九被認為是不幸運的數字, 在台灣,醫院大多沒有開放四樓,你知道為什麼嗎?
  • Indians believe you should not get a haircut after sunset.Do you have similar superstition in your country?
    印度人相信你不該在夕陽下山後剪頭髮, 你國家有類似的迷信嗎?
  • Do you ever buy lottery tickets? Do you think you will win it one day?
    你買過彩票嗎? 你認為有一天你會中獎嗎?
  • Which of the superstitions are you familiar with?
  • What is something strange that you have experienced but cannot explain?