
Relative Clauses C1- C2

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  • The new public library, (that / which) was designed by a local architect, was opened by the Mayor
    The new public library, WHICH was designed by a local architect, was opened by the Mayor
  • Correct: The person to who I spoke knew nothing of the incident.
    The person WHO I spoke TO knew nothing of the incident.  (to WHOM I spoke)
  • Correct: She's the neighbour that her daughter has just had a baby.
    She's the neighbour WHOSE daughter has just had a baby.
  • The teenagers (standing/ stood) outside the youth club are waiting for football practice to start.
    The teenagers STANDING outside the youth club are waiting for football practice to start.
  • Correct: The woman who's dog had that strange colour was very proud.
    The woman WHOSE dog had that strange colour was very proud.
  • Correct: They told me to try jogging, cycling or swimming, none of that I enjoy.
    They told me to try jogging  cycling or swimming, none of WHICH I enjoy
  • Choose the correct; word ; The coffee shop that / where was located in the town center had a really pleasant atmosphere.
    The coffee shop THAT was located in the town center had a really pleasant atmosphere.
  • Correct: Is this the train that it goes to Bristol?
    Is this the train THAT / WHICH goes to Bristol?
  • Many of the residents, some of (whom / which) live close to the main, road.are angry about the changes.
    Many of the residents, some of WHOM live close to the main, road, are angry about the changes.
  • Correct: The fans which show the most loyalty tend to be a bit obsessive.
    The fans WHO show the most loyalty tend to be a bit obsessive.
  • Correct: Everyone always eats that I cook.
    Everyone always eats WHAT I cook.
  • Correct: Jack has prepared his favorite dish from Delia Smith’s recipe book, which he is about to eat.
    Jack has prepared his favorite dish, WHICH HE IS ABOUT TO EAT, from Delia Smith’s recipe book.
  • Correct: My sons, who is very bright, will both be atteding CAL Tech.
    My sons, who ARE very bright, will both be atteding CAL Tech.
  • The man (arresting/ arrested) for larceny was identifed by the victim.
    The man ARRESTED for larceny was identified by the victim.