
Hypothetical Questions Speaking Challenge

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  • If you won the lottery, what would NOT change?
  • If money wasn’t a concern where would you live, what would you do, and what would your lifestyle look like?
  • If humans lost the ability to see all colour except one, which colour would you want to keep?
  • If your dog or cat suddenly spoke one sentence and then never spoke again, what would be the most unsettling sentence they could say?
  • If you could make one thing that is now legal, illegal, and one thing that is illegal, legal, what laws would change?
  • If you could replace any word in common usage with another word and no one would know, which word would you choose?
  • Would you want to live in a world where everyone’s thoughts appeared as text above their head?
  • If you could choose any vehicle to drive around for a couple of hours, which vehicle would you choose?
  • If you could design a planet, what would your perfect planet look like?
  • If you had to prove you were human and not an alien in 5 minutes via a text conversation, how would you do it?
  • If you were required by law to get a full body tattoo, what would you get tattooed over your entire body?
  • If you had to be haunted by a ghost for the rest of your life but could choose which dead person the ghost would be, who would you choose as your ghost?
  • If you could know when and how someone would die just by shaking their hands but couldn’t change their fate, how would you use that power?
  • Every day 12 things appear in your garden, they are random, but all start with a letter of your choosing. What letter do you choose?
  • If you were tasked with redesigning your country’s flag, how would you change it? Well... why not!
  • If you were chosen to be the first human to make contact with aliens, would you want to?
  • What fantasy creature would you love to bring into the real world?
  • If you could put wings on any species of animal, what animal would you choose?
  • What would be your strategy for a zombie apocalypse?
  • If you were given any one luxury item, but you couldn’t sell it, what luxury item would you want?
  • What sound do you think you would miss most if you went deaf?
  • If extra lives were a thing in the real world, how would you get them?
  • If you were a food, what food would you be?
  • If you could body swap with any person for 24 hours, who would you choose?
  • What laws would you abolish if you could? What laws would you create?
  • Would you choose to know your future if it meant forgetting your past?
  • What do you wish grew on trees?
  • If you could go back in time and give your parents advice before you were born, what advice would you give them?
  • If you could control your dreams, what would you dream about?
  • If you were reincarnated as an animal based on your personality, what animal do you think you would come back as?
  • Would you want to permanently feel zero pain if given the chance?
  • What cartoon world do you wish you could live in for a week?
  • If you could speak two other languages fluently, what languages would you want to speak? Make it happen!
  • If you could erase one thing from existence, even the memory of the thing, what would it be?