
Unit 1 Social Studies Review

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  • What state do you live in?
  • Who were the first Americans to arrive in the United States?
    Native Americans
  • What does a historian do?
    Studies the past.
  • How many continents are there in the world?
  • What are the four direction on a compass rose?
    North, South, East, & West
  • What is a map scale used for?
    Relationship between map distance and real distance.
  • What does it mean to be diverse?
    To be different, not like anyone else.
  • What are the vertical lines called on a globe?
    Lines of Longitude
  • What does a geographer do?
    Study the human and natural features of the world.
  • What region is Maine located in?
  • What does it mean to be an immigrant?
    To be born in a different country and then move to the United States.
  • What country is Maine located in?
    The United States
  • How many states are there in the United States?
  • What does an economist do?
    Study the way people spend and make money.
  • What are the horizontal lines called on a globe?
    Lines of Latitude
  • What does culture mean?
    A particular group of people with a specific language, religion, traditions, and way of life.
  • What does a political scientist do?
    Studies the government of different groups.