
A*List - Puss in Boots

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  • What was the second animal the ogre changed into?
    He changed into a dragon second.
  • What are 2 things Puss can do?
    He can swim and He can climb.
  • What is does Puss ask Luke for at the end of the story?
    He asks Luke to give him fish everyday.
  • Why did Puss want the ogre to change into a fish?
    So Puss could eat him!
  • Where did Puss take Luke?
    He took him to the Ogre's castle.
  • What was the first animal the ogre changed into?
    He changed into a lion first.
  • How many coins did Luke have?
    He had 3 coins
  • How do Luke and Puss feel at the beginning of the story?
    They are hungry!
  • Who was scared to go into the Ogre's castle?
    Luke was scared. Puss was not.
  • Why is Puss special?
    Because he can talk.
  • What does Puss want Luke to buy him?
    He wants Luke to buy him red boots.
  • What was the final animal the ogre changed into?
    He changed into a fish finally.