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  • how do you suggest the date for an appointment by phone?
    Would Tuesday at 3 pm suit you?
  • how do you ask somebody to wait?
    Will you hold?
  • how do you tell somebody that the number is incorrect?
    Sorry, you've got the wrong number.
  • how do you give a message by phone?
    Please, tell him I called.
  • how do you somebody to spell a word formally?
    Excuse me, I wonder if you could spell your ...., please?
  • how do you ask for somebody by phone?
    Could I speak to...?
  • which is the phrase for " I'll connect you"?
    I'll put you through
  • how do you say " wait, please" in telephoning?
    Hold the line, please
  • tell somebody that the person he/ she need does not work there.
    I'm sorry but there's nobody by that name here.
  • how do you apologize for not connecting to someone as he/she is busy?
    I'm afraid he is not available now
  • How do you introduce yourself on the phone?
    This is...
  • how do you say that there is something with the line?
    I'm afraid the line is engaged.
  • how do you ask to give a message?
    Can I leave a message ?
  • how do you ask for the name of the person who is on the phone?
    Who's calling, please?
  • how do you ask for someone in a certain department?
    I'd like to speak to someone in Sales.
  • how do you offer to take a message?
    Would you like to leave a message?