
Short Answers-beginners

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  • Have you got a dog? (✔)
    Yes, I have.
  • Are you happy? (✔)
    Yes, I am.
  • Can he sing? (✔)
    Yes, he can.
  • Is it a flute?
    Yes, it is.
  • Is it a guitar?
    Yes, it is.
  • Can Jet run? (✔)
    Yes, she can.
  • Can you swim? (✔)
    Yes, I can.
  • Can you play basketball? (✔)
    Yes, I can.
  • Have you got three arms? (X)
    No, I haven´t.
  • Can he dive? (✔)
    Yes, he can.
  • Can Peter dance? (X)
    No, he can´t.
  • Have you got a pencil? (X)
    No, I haven´t.
  • Can she play floorball? (X)
    No, she can´t.
  • Has it got three eyes?
    No, it hasn´t.
  • Are you sad? (X)
    No, I´m not.
  • Is it a violin?
    No, it isn´t.
  • Has it got two eyes?
    No, it hasn´t.
  • Can she skate. (X)
    No, she can´t.
  • Can you play hockey . (✔)
    Yes, I can
  • Can you swim. (X)
    No, I can´t.
  • Can you play the violin? (✔)
    Yes, I can.