
Opposite Verbs - L4

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  • It's getting late! I need to ____ the kids ____ from school!
    I need to PICK the kids UP from school!
  • Ask your partner to take the kids to school, using the opposite of PICK UP.
  • I've just ____ the train! D: I was so close!!
    I've just MISSED the train! D: I was so close!!
  • You're at a birthday party. It's late and you need to get up early tomorrow. Go to the birthday girl and say goodbye. Use the opposite of ARRIVE.
  • "I'm having a test tomorrow but I haven't studied anything yet!" :( Make an optimistic prediction for your friend.
  • "I'm having a test tomorrow but I haven't studied anything yet!" :( Make a pessimistic prediction for your friend.
  • You are in a class, and you've left your pencil case at home. You need to write but you don't have a pen! Ask your partner for one.
    Sorry, can I borrow one of your pens?
  • Every time I want to enter a place I ____ the door instead of pushing it!
    Every time I want to enter a place I PULL the door instead of pushing it!
  • My train leaves in 20 minutes!! Make an optimistic prediction for your friend.
  • Sorry, the meeting was at 10. You're two hours _____. It has finished.
    You're two hours LATE.
  • I've already forgotten what I had for breakfast this morning! How do you ____ all your students' names?
    How do you REMEMBER all your students' names?