
Advanced Unit 4B (BOOK)

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  • hackneyed
    used so often as to lack freshness or originality (elcsépelt)
  • logbook
    an official record; a book in which information is written in a timely manner (menetnapló, hajónapló stb.)
  • risqué
    against accepted social standards and likely to shock some people (merész, pikáns)
  • autobiography
    story of a person's life written by that person (önéletrajzi regény)
  • hats off here to (sb)
    to show appreciation to sb (le a kalappal valaki előtt)
  • fast-moving
    developing or changing very quickly (gyorsan történő eseményekkel dús)
  • novel
    a book-length fictional prose narrative (regény)
  • slushy
    stories, films / movies or feelings that are considered to be silly and without value because they are too emotional and romantic (nyálas)
  • page-turner
    a book that you want to keep reading (érdekes könyv)
  • I would definitely give it a miss.
    I would rather not read/watch it. (Inkább kihagynám)
  • protagonist
    main character (főszereplő)
  • eponymous
    a term for the title character of a work of literature (névadó)
  • poignant
    causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness (megrendítő, szívbe markoló)
  • enlightening
    informative; contributing to one's awareness (lényegre rávilágító, informatív)
  • (be) inured to
    to not be affected by (immunis valamire)
  • hinge
    the inside portion of the flexible area where book cover meets the book spine (könyvgerinc)
  • evocative
    calling forth a vivid image or impression (hangulatos, felidéző)
  • harrowing (story)
    extremely upsetting because connected with suffering (szívszaggató, megrázó)
  • peerless
    having no equal; better than the rest (páratlan)
  • capture one's attention/imagination
    fascinate someone (megragadja a figyelmét, képzeletét)
  • clichéd
    overused; trite (közhelyes)
  • thought-provoking
    making you think a lot about a subject (elgondolkodtató)
  • lugubrious
    looking or sounding sad and dismal (komor)
  • gripping / intriguing/compelling/engrossing/absorbing/captivating/enthralling/engaging/diverting/riveting
    synonyms for interesting
  • (moving) portrayal (of sth/sb)
    the way that someone or something is described or represented in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work (ábrázolás)
  • wry
    humorously sarcastic or mocking (fanyar humorú)
  • anthology
    a collection of various writings, such as songs, stories, or poems (antológia)
  • saga novel
    a long story, often telling the history of a family (családregény)
  • mesmerising/spellbinding/transfixing
    synonyms for fasctinating
  • compulsive reading
    difficult to stop once you've started (magávalragadó olvasmány)
  • enigmatic
    mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling (rejtélyes)
  • contrived
    artificial and difficult to believe (mesterkélt)
  • memoirs
    a kind of writing that tells someone's memories (memoár)
  • get glowing reviews
    get excellent reviews (kiváló kritikákat kap)
  • blurb
    a short description of a book, film, etc., written by the people who have produced it, and intended to make people want to buy it or see it (fülszöveg...
  • exquisite
    extremely beautiful and, typically, delicate (tökéletes, remek)
  • whodunnit
    a story about a crime (usually murder) (detektívregény)
  • drippy
    boring, stupid and weak or sentimental (együgyű, csöpögős)
  • epic
    a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds (eposz)
  • engross (sb)
    it is so interesting that you give it all your attention (magával ragad)
  • implausible
    unlikely; unbelievable
  • bland
    not having a strong taste or character or not showing any interest or energy (unalmas)
  • tounge-in-cheek
    intende to be understood as a joke, although you might appear to be serious (ironikus, gúnyos)
  • graphic novel
    a novel in comic-strip format (képregény)