
Present Perfect Statements

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  • My grandparents _____________________ twice.
    have gone on a cruise
    went on a cruise
    has gone on a cruise
  • Mark _______________ several times.
    has been to Disneyland
    have been to Disneyland
    haven't been to Disneyland
  • My brother would love to ________________.
    see an elephant
    has seen an elephant
    saw an elephant
  • I've never__________ in my life, but it looks fun.
    going to a concert
    went to a concert
    gone to a concert
  • Lena ___________ when she was a child.
    have taken dance lessons
    took dance lessons
    taking singing lessons
  • She __________________. She never took swimming lessons!
    haven't swum in the ocean
    hasn't swum in the ocean
    has swum in the ocean
  • My brother ________________ once. It was a scary experience.
    had an accident
    has had an accident
    hasn't had an accident
  • I ________________________ this summer. France and Italy are in my plans.
    visited other countries
    will visit other countries
    have visited other countries
  • I __________________ yet. I don't think it's safe.
    hasn't ridden a hot air balloon
    haven't ridden a hot air balloon
    rode a hot air balloon
  • We _____________ at the Toy Story premiere two years ago.
    met a celebrity
    have met a celebrity
    meeting a celebrity
  • I used to ________________ all the time when I was in high school.
    have fallen asleep in class
    fell asleep in class
    fall asleep in class
  • We _________________ Japanese food a couple of times.
    haven't tried
    have tried
    has tried
  • I'm too scared to _________________.
    have ridden a rollercoaster
    ride a rollercoaster
    rode a rollercoaster
  • Christina loves ____________. It's exciting!
    riding a bike
    rode a bike
    has ridden a bike